Brian's House Building Blog

  • Water Filters You Could Contemplate For Your Irrigation System

    19 April 2016

    Investing in water filter supplies for your irrigation system is prudent for a couple of reasons. For one, it ensures that the water you are using for your various irrigation applications is contaminant free. Secondly, these water filter supplies prevent debris and particles from making their way into your irrigation system, as these could cause the breakdown of your system. It should be noted, though, that just as there are a myriad of particles and organic matter that could get mixed into your irrigation water, there are also various types of water filter supplies that you could choose from.

  • Getting Familiar with Residential Surge Protectors

    19 April 2016

    Most homeowners are aware of the importance of surge protection. As such, you will find various outlets in the home equipped with a surge protector to prevent electrical damage to sensitive appliances such a fridges or television. However, although these mini surge protectors would suffice in years past, Australian homes now have numerous electronic gadgets due to how technology keeps growing in leaps and bounds. This is why it would be ideal to consider surge protection for your entire home, rather on selective outlets.